because some things are too precious to waste

Handmade soap blocks, salvaged from off-cuts rejected by local artisan soapmakers, wrapped in love and recycled paper for a ZERO waste bundle of natural goodness!

Steps along our journey to reduce our impact on earth...

  • Fresh Organic Goat's Milk

    Yep I know it looks like a rabbit! .. but here at the oDd BlOcK, it doesn't matter what you look like, what matters is what you are made out of, and what's inside!

    We asked the artisan soapmakers who create the soap off-cuts we salvage for the oDd BlOcK where they source their goats milk .. and we delighted to hear that it comes from a local organic goat farm, just a few minutes drive from their soap shed. During the peak season when the goats are producing more milk than the farmer can sell, he brings the fresh milk to the soapers and they put it to good use in their amazing Goats Milk Soap. They stock up their shelves to last them through the dry season until the goats are producing excess again. The farmer's route to town goes past their road so he doesn't even use any extra fuel to get it to them, just drops it off whenever he has to go up to town. We love hearing stories like these where local producers are working together to create great value, reduce their carbon footprint, and build great relationships and strong communities at the same time. Just another way to contribute to a zero-waste lifestyle!

  • Raw Organic Honey

    SOOOooo finger-lickin GOOD! We at the oDd BlOcK are mad about bees and the liquid gold they produce! Bees are vital to our life here on earth and they are facing an alarming decline. Worldwide their numbers are sliding downhill, and we need to all do our bit to reverse this devastating trend. So here are some simple steps we can all take to help the bees...


    Pests can be .. pesty?! but one of the leading threats to bees is pesticides, neurotoxic to bees and other beneficial insects. Replace your garden pesticides with natural alternatives such as garlic, onion or pepper spray. Try orange oil or citronella. There are heaps of great natural pesticide recipes online using ordinary household products. And because even natural sprays can discourage bees, try and only spray outside foraging hours when the bees are safely tucked up in their hives.


    Get to know your local beekeepers and support them. Imported honey has been found to contain everything from antibiotics to heavy metals to sugar fillers, and is heavily processed, removing lots of the good stuff like enzymes and phytonutrients. Stick to raw local honey from beekeepers in your own neighbourhood and enjoy the bee's gift to us in its healthiest form.


    Whether you live in an urban high-rise or in the bush, make your impact on the local bee population by growing plants, especially bee-friendly species. A single pot of basil on a highrise balcony can become a bee take-away, improving both your life and theirs. See this article for some great tips on planting for bees.

  • High & Dry

    How to get the most out of your oDd BlOcK soap bars...

    Save your soap, your pennies, and most importantly the earth by getting the most possible use out of your bars of natural cold-processed soap.

    HIGH & DRY!

    Soap needs to dry out after each use. After showering, put your soap somewhere high and dry where it can air dry before the next use. A window ledge is perfect.


    Because cold-processed soap is full of lovely natural glycerine (the stuff which keeps your skin so soft & smooth), and because glycerine attracts moisture (that's WHY it keeps your skin soft & smooth), it means it can quickly turn into a puddle of wet soft gloop if left in water. Use a soap holder or dish which keeps the bottom of the soap up off the base, allowing it to dry between uses. A piece of loofah, scrubbing brush or even some pebbles will do the same trick.


    A washcloth or loofah will produce and retain better lather and lovely bubbly suds to clean you head to toes with only a few swipes over.


    Get double use out of your soap by curing it for six to eight weeks in your drawers, giving the drawer contents a delicious natural scent and making your soap extra hard and long lasting. You can also swap your soaps out after a few weeks of use and put the used one (dried out for a day or two) back amongst your tshirts for some R & R while you give a new block a whirl.


    Use a soap saver bag, made from a natural material like hemp, sisal or cotton, to save the little bits of soap are too small to keep using. Store them up and then use the whole bag as a washcloth and exfoliater while you soap up. Once your soap saver has worn out, put it in the compost to give something back to the earth.